Rough River Bluegrass night
Once a month we celebrate our Bluegrass music on the second Friday of the Month!
Once a month we celebrate our Bluegrass music on the second Friday of the Month!
Grayson Co. Bluegrass Opry has free shows on the 3rd Friday night of each month at 6 PM at 125 East White Oak Street in Leitchfield, KY. For additional information on show dates visit our facebook page
Black Rock Mafia has a monthly cruise in on the 4th Saturday of every month starting in April and runs through October from 5-8 p.m. at Bailey’s Zip Mart
Join the Western Kentucky Car Club on the first Friday evening of each month for an antique car cruise-in! Beginning at 6:00 p.m., at the Indian Hills Shopping Center located at 115 Sequoia Drive in Leitchfield, until everyone is gone!
16th Annual Plant Fair & Spring Fling held at the Extension Office on Quarry Road in Leitchfield.